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Oniki KIZGIN ADAM - özgürlük ya da elektrikli sandalye ile idam... 15 saniye üzerinde döniyor


The 1957 movie "Twelve Angry Men," or "Oniki Kızgın Adam" was a drama-filled story about our criminal justice system. The film was about a boy in a poor neighborhood accused of murder and the jury on his trial. The setting of the movie was grim and unhappy. It was made in black & white... mostly in a bleak courthouse. Yet, it was praised as one of the best films of the time. In the video here, jurors argue about the testimony of a key witness in the murder trial.

The jurors are arguing that the disabled witness could not have made it to the window in 15 seconds to see the murder. If the witness did not see the murder, that means "reasonable doubt" against the prosecution's case. And that means innocence for the boy... instead of the electric chair. The role of the prosecutor - SAVCI OLMAK - https://youtube.com/shorts/zAxJPcaG4go?si=UeQrrP1AIg1AhAJC

The movie teaches us that the justice system is far from perfect. The fate of the accused lies in the hands of 12 strangers. Some of these strangers are filled with anger. Some are filled with prejudice. Some couldn't care less. In addition to the problems of the jury system, the film also brings attention to the fact that witness testimony is not always reliable - Kendi gözlerimle gördüm... evet, fakat bazen yanlış görgü tanığı ifadesi kişiyi hapse gönderebilir - https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000053523

The film shows the flaws of the justice system - where someone's fate could be in the hands of twelve strangers. These strangers could be resentful and bitter. But these strangers could care enough to passionately argue about the facts of the case... the way they do in this scene. Sometimes, only a judge makes the decision, and in this case here, a judge shows leniency - Frank CAPRİO Ve 37 yıl hapis yatan adam - https://youtu.be/Fuj11d36X3k?si=P0M6Tm6reDnhD3Ta

For better or worse, this is the system we have in many parts of the world. It has its good days... and it has its bad days.

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(718) 224-9824



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