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Dışarıda yemek yerken cömert bahşiş vermek neden önemlidir?


People sometimes complain about seeing tip jars everywhere. After all, we read about high minimum wages in California. Doesn't that mean tips are no longer necessary in our society? No, that isn't the case. Many working people, from bartenders to waitresses, depend on tips to help pay their rent. I believe tipping is a good thing.

It's important to keep in mind that not everyone in the food and restaurant industry is making $20/hr. Minimum wage laws differ by country. In the United States, we have two minimum wages, a federal minimum wage and a state minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, but states can set their own minimum wages, which are generally higher, or at least equal. Amerika’da bahşiş vermek bir görgü kuralıdır. https://youtube.com/shorts/tHcUEeEOMiU?si=yjfOgv8MYhC7-DZS

But workers who rely on tips can make LESS than minimum wage. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13 per hour (for workers earning at least $30 per month in tips). If the total of wages and tips does not meet the minimum federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, the employer needs to make up the difference. Garson Olmak Kolay Mı Sandın? https://youtu.be/YFhr_Z-EErI?si=EU70UfipPjdcMQKB

In addition to these FLSA conditions, workplaces might have their own rules. A boss might take a portion of tips. It could mean sharing tips with other servers. It could mean giving part of those tips to busing or cooking staff.

When you look at the high cost of living today, it's clear that relying on tips is a difficult way to live. A waiter's tips could be up or down, depending on the restaurant, the shift, and the season. But that rent check is due every month. So is gas for the car and groceries to feed a family. It doesn't ask if it was a good week or a bad week.

And the job of food servers is physically and mentally tough. On your feet. Keeping track so many little things that guests ask for.

That's why I think it's important to tip well. People in these jobs deserve every dollar they make.

Good Luck - Kendinize İyi Bakın

Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



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