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Vekaletname Nedir? Nerede kullanılır? Kaç Çeşit Vekaletname Var?


Vekaletname Nedir? What is a Power of Attorney? A power of attorney, or vekaletname, is a very important tool. It is easy and inexpensive to create. In SOME CASES, it only takes a few minutes. You can do it without an attorney. What does a power of attorney do? It designates SOMEONE to ACT FOR YOU.

Most of the time, we prefer to act for ourselves. But sometimes, things change. People go overseas. They become ill. They are overwhelmed by a complex or stressful situation, such as the sale of a house. They want someone to act on their behalf. That's where a power of attorney is used. Sometimes called a "POA" for short, it is often simple, maybe a page or two. Gayrimenkul satışı ile ilgili vekaletname verirken dikkatli olun https://youtube.com/shorts/Ea-BtMdXj0E?si=S-l9X1vehCOtVXv9

Vekaletname Vermenin OTOMATİK BİLGİ PAYLAŞIMI’na Etkisi? https://youtu.be/MUPO7_q4sao?si=tvgmYxoQojhC-gdk

A power of attorney is created by signing a form. Depending on the region, a notary is sometimes required. Here are some basic terms with the power of attorney...

Principal (Vekil Tayin Eden) - Person who creates the power of attorney

Agent (Vekil) - Person you choose to act for you (also called an attorney-in-fact)

Durable (Dayanıklı) - A power of attorney that stays in effect through illness or incapacity

Irrevocable (Geri Dönülemez) a power of attorney that cannot be withdrawn

Limited (Kısıtlı) A power of attorney for only certain powers

General (Genel) a power of attorney for all (or almost all) powers

Many people are able to create a power of attorney on their own without the help of an attorney. There are templates online (sometimes with step-by-step instructions). But if the matter is complex, it could be worthwhile to seek the advice of an attorney.

Eski günleri özleyenlere! https://youtu.be/nNUuzA3PATk?si=skPAlJTeH55rTI4P

Bu şarkının neredeyse kırk yıl önce çıktığına inanmak zor - Zerrin Özer - Bana Ne- https://youtu.be/OT9IRW3-4mk?si=XE5xs1DRupTPUgFU

Aside from vekaletnameler, everyone is going into the water to cool off from the record high temperatures we've been seeing. Please be attentive to reports of shark sitings, which are up in many areas - KÖPEKBALIKLARI İÇEREN DAVALAR https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000051025

Good Luck - Kendinize İyi Bakın

Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



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