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dava açmak için tüm yanlış nedenler - öfke, nefret; kıskançlık, intikam


Sometimes people will come to my office and ask me to file a lawsuit because they are angry. They are angry toward a business partner or competitor. They tell me, "O pis adama dava açacağım... doğduğuna pişman olacak!" They want to get even. They want to snarl their teeth like a lion. Well, that's not always a good reason to start a lawsuit.

I usually tell them that there are good reasons and bad reasons to sue someone. Good reasons are based on logic. You worked for them and they didn't pay you. That deserves a lawsuit. It's called "breach of contract." They were texting while driving and injured someone. That driver deserves a lawsuit from the injured person. It's called "negligence."

All too often, people will want to start a lawsuit because they are furious. Maybe it's a divorce where the other side had an affair. Maybe it's a restaurant that opened up next door with the ruthless goal of stealing your experienced employees and putting you out of business. Yes, those things would make anyone angry and hurt. KAFAYA TAKMAMAK İÇİN 3 ADIMDA TINLAMAK YOK TEKNİĞİNİ KULLANIN! https://youtu.be/cBFth8EwABA?si=vWBaqmlXhuBmiK9U

But still, it's important to look at things with a cool head. The sensible approach is to analyze the matter with someone who won't hijack your emotions. A good attorney will help you analyze a bad situation and show you a way out, without going to war. The solution could be a divorce action. It could be a lawsuit based on interference with business. Just the same, a good guidance could also prevent GETTING SUED - DAVA EDİLMEK İSTİYORSANIZ, MUTLAKA BU ÜÇ ŞEYİ YAPIN https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052511

People sometimes file lawsuits because they are emotionally hurt, resentful, spiteful, or out for revenge. These are normal feelings. We all get angry when bad things are done to us. But a good attorney could help keep emotions out of the matter and help clients approach things with a cool head. Bad guidance could lead to unnecessary legal battles based on anger. KILAVUZU KARGA OLANIN BURNU... HERKES ATASÖZÜNÜN GERİ KALANINI BİLİYOR! https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052383

And a good lawyer can tell you when it could be a better idea to let something go... , as the very talented Ajda Pekkan sings in the great song Hoş Gör Sen, with lyrics by Fikret Şeneş - "Hiç bunları kendine dert etmeye değer mi... " Hoş Gör Sen https://youtu.be/lg_RYUXNsi0?si=Vrlz135WpxRsSmIC

Kendinize iyi bakın

Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



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