We all know the expression "fishing trip." The words suggest something enjoyable. They bring to mind a family outing that involves an afternoon on the water. "Going fishing" - spending quality time together - cold drinks, sandwiches, friendship, and fresh air. But in a LEGAL context, a "fishing trip" has a darker meaning. It is more about abuse of the discovery process.
After a lawsuit commences, we have a stage called "discovery." This is a fact-finding process where both sides ask each other questions to extract information relevant to the case. If the case involves a car accident, the discovery process will cover certain key points. How did the accident happen? What are the injuries? How much time was lost from work? Are you now disabled? Discovery is an important element of a lawsuit - it helps get to the truth in a matter - MAHKEMEDE ALEYHİNİZDEKİ ŞAHİTİN YALANCI OLDUĞUNU NASIL KANITLARSINIZ? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052926
But a "fishing trip" is when discovery takes a more aggressive turn. The questions instead become things like, Why did your businesses fail? You have a history of driving problems, don't you? When did you contract that disease? You were arrested for shoplifting 30 years ago, is that true? These types of questions are not relevant to the accident, and should be defended against.
They are instead intended to pry. The ugliness of a fishing trip is that when a powerful side succeeds in throwing out lots of fishing lines, they could have a good chance of hauling up something damaging.
If you go fishing with family and friends, have a good time. But if you are in a legal matter, make sure your attorney protects you against the other side going for a "fishing trip" into your life. Bu gibi durumlarda avukatınız aslan olmalıdır - AVUKATINIZ ASLAN MI, KUZU MU... YOKSA TİLKİ Mİ? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000053167
If you're an attorney, protect your client against "fishing trips." When the other side's attorney says, "Hadi... bakalım, öğrenebileceğimiz neler var burada," know how to legally say, "Defol git burdan!"
Fishing may be good on the Galata Bridge, but not in your lawsuit. - Bu balıkçılar neler yapıyor? Galata Köprüsü Balıkçılar https://youtu.be/_YNV2mQyjJw?si=owYd6zA8q_ddpHIv
Did you know? Crazy Turkish Laws - 6 Surprising Things that are Illegal in Turkey! https://youtu.be/XDUGYqfdG5o?si=w4wOxRk5_R94rn6w
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