Hergün 10 binlerce Türk bu platformada buluşuyor.Paylaşım yapmak, İlan yayınlamak, ve Etkinlik oluşturmak için hemen Sende hemen Hesap oluştur

ummadığın taş belki baş yarar... Ama iş aramak bazen kafa yorar!


There are certain laws when it comes to protecting legal rights in the workplace. Companies are prohibited from discriminating based on race or national origin. The same goes for gender and age. An employer can't ask a woman if she is pregnant. An employer can't ask an applicant where they pray... as a sneaky way to figure out their religion.

These laws are supposed to create equality in the workplace. By the way, is it the law to give two week's notice in leaving a job? İŞTEN AYRILMAYA İKİ HAFTA ÖNCEDEN HABER VERMEK... KANUN MU? KİBARLIK MI? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052786 These laws fall under federal and state law. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, companies cannot discriminate because of a person's:

- Race

- Color

- National origin

- Sex

Maybe what's more interesting is there aren't as many legal protections when it comes to advertising for jobs. İş Arama https://youtu.be/Y5OTjnUvWKU?si=h5b0AzirCk_elmrf Some companies advertise for jobs that might not really exist. You mean it's legal for a company to post an ad for a job that doesn't really exist? It does happen these days...

- Sometimes the purpose of such ads is to make a company look good to its investors

- Sometimes such ads could make a charity look good to its potential donors

- Sometimes the ad is meant to stir a workforce into thinking they better shape up

- Sometimes the ad is meant to offer hope to a workforce that feels it has been overused

Whatever the reason, don't let such practices be discouraging. If you are applying for jobs, you should still try your best. İş bulmak isteyenlere Tuğçe Işınsu'dan 5 altın kural https://youtu.be/CYpJl1O_N80?si=6d9CT3_FT2pgBDLf Most job postings are real and are posted by good companies. İŞ GÖRÜŞMEN NASIL GEÇTİ? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000049355

Bu zor zamanlarda iş arıyorsanız, iyi şanslar. Gerçekten zor... söylendiği kadar kolay değil

Good luck to all of those who are trying to find work in this tough market.

Kendinize iyi bakın

Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



. Towntalk

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