We live in a world where the law is constantly changing. Forty years ago, I was a cadet at a maritime school. During my first year of studies, there were three things we had to carry at all times. These were a pocketknife, matches, and change of a quarter. The pocketknife was meant to be useful as a small tool. The change of a quarter was to offer anyone who approached us in uniform the convenience of dimes for a phone call. The matches were so that we could light a cigarette for an upperclassman.
Today, people don't usually carry these things. Smoking is prohibited almost everywhere. Pay phones that accept dimes have all but disappeared from diners, gas stations, and other places where they were once a familiar sight. Our world has changed. And our laws have changed. Dünya'daki En İlginç ve Saçma 5 Kanun - https://youtube.com/shorts/tonLfMq4P_M?si=5B_uzpEANals60om Looking back over these decades, it's funny how laws have evolved...
- It used to be a crime - but using marijauna is legal in many places today.
- Drunk driving, which used to be treated as a social folly in the past, is now treated as a crime.
- Using seatbelts in cars is not an option... it is mandatory under the law.
- Before the pandemic, wearing a mask was a crime in some places.
- As for those matches I had to carry... lighting up a cigarette in the wrong place could lead to arrest.
The world has changed. And laws have changed with it. It's true that certain legal concepts remain the same, such as criminal intent, elements of fraud MAHKEMEYE VERECEĞİM O SAHTENİN TEKİNİ... NEYİ İSPAT ETMEM GEREKECEK MAHKEMEDE? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052739 But we see that many things change with the law. We accept this as part of life. AVUKAT FİLMLERDEKİ MAHKEME SAHNELERİNİ İZLİYOR! https://youtu.be/pzVb3veOBWM?si=W97UbUwrVNZJvF-o
Some people complain about how laws have changed. They miss the "good old days" they fondly remember. Some changes are good - some can hurt businesses. It might be a matter of how people conduct themselves BİLSEN NELER DÖNÜYOR ŞU GARİP DÜNYADA... HIRSIZLARIN HİLELERİ https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052634
Some see change with sadness or regret. However, others may see changes in the law as business opportunities. It might be a matter of how you look at things.
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