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Mart Kapıdan Baktırır - Kazma Kürek Yaktırır


This is an atasöz that many would agree with. Here we are in March. You'd think "köşeyi döndük"... we "turned a corner." January and February are over. Mild weather and easier times should be ahead. But this atasöz says, "Not so fast." Sometimes the difficult weather ahead could be severe enough to require burning our shovels for warmth. Hopefully, we won't see such days. But when it comes to lawsuits, this proverb can make sense. Just because we finally had the confidence and nerve to commence legal action on one of our problems, it doesn't mean it's easygoing from this point on.

Here's what I mean. Let's say someone finally confronts one of their business headaches. They commence a lawsuit to collect money from a deadbeat company that hasn't paid them. Or someone files a lawsuit after they were unfairly pushed out of a job because of discrimination. NEDİR DİSCRİMİNATİON? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000051547 Their friends might say, "Geçmiş olsun." But the truth is that starting a lawsuit to obtain justice is only a "başlangıç." Like that first cold day of March (like today), there are days ahead that can still be cold that need to be planned for.

What does this mean in terms of our legal affairs?

(1) Know what can happen by starting a lawsuit. Some lawsuits result in a quick resolution. But some could result in a long legal battle, like a cold month of March. 12 Ay Şiiri - https://youtu.be/kf0KUWGeoFo?si=zgQUY-7UhFlE5-v5

(2) Plan for expenses in a lawsuit - taking time from work, attorney fees, court costs, clerical costs, etc.

(3) The lawsuit may bring the result you want. But it could also bring about an unexpected result, in the form of a legal counter-attack. In other words, when you fire your legal "arrows" at the other side, they might fire "arrows" back.

(4) A lawsuit sometimes fixes business problems. But some lawsuits could destroy business relationships and create more problems. 'Something to keep in mind. MART KAPIDAN BAKTIRIR KAZMA KÜREK YAKTIRIR...!!! https://youtube.com/shorts/mB_H9uuvJLc?si=cO2lLmt3qXxXCD1z

All these issues are things to be discussed with an attorney. Sometimes a business owner has no choice. They are pushed into starting a lawsuit. Another business refuses to pay them. Another business is maliciously hurting their reputation. Whatever the matter, it's worth thinking things out for the long term. Sometimes a lawsuit is the right approach. Sometimes, it could be better to say, "AFFET GİTSİN ALDIRMA!" https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000049537

Because like a cold month of March, a lawsuit that wasn't properly planned could make for difficult times, forcing one to "yaktırmak kazmalar ve kürekler." Kar Kalınlığı 10 Metreyi Buldu - https://youtu.be/n_oRB-312T4?si=-f-Fwi36tTdLcmXA

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(718) 224-9824



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