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Derdini Marko Paşa'ya Anlat


If someone says to me, "Derdini Marko Paşa'ya Anlat.... ," I realize they are old like me. "Go tell your problem to Marko Paşa," is an old expression that can loosely be taken to mean, "Sorry, but no one here can help you." And that might be how someone feels if they reach out for help if they're being sued. "Ne istiyorlar benden... ben hiç bir suç işlemedim."

If someone is sued, it can be stressful. And the response could often be, "Why are they suing me, I did nothing wrong." The immediate reaction might be to pick up the phone and call the attorney, "Hey, you got the wrong person here. I did nothing wrong. Leave me alone."

And that can work sometimes, when there has been a case of mistaken identity or other form of total mix-up. [Naturally, it's better not to be sued - DAVA EDİLMEK İSTİYORSANIZ, MUTLAKA BU ÜÇ ŞEYİ YAPIN - https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052511 ]

But if the lawsuit is proper, the law firm's response could be similar to, "Go tell Marko Paşa. We're suing you." [Derdini Marko Paşa'ya anlat kardeşim - https://youtube.com/shorts/-5LlBXAQJIE?si=0XLqaDx3CFZCku4j ]And there, one must consider other options if they're stuck with a legal fight on their hands...

- Look to have the lawsuit dismissed because it names the wrong parties

- Look to have the lawsuit dismissed because it is not based on a valid legal theory

- Look to have the lawsuit dismissed because it was filed too late in time

- Look to have the lawsuit dismissed because it is based on false facts that can be disproved

- Go to court and defend yourself against the lawsuit - "Yes, I did do that bad thing they say I did. But I only did it after they broke their end of the deal."

- The issue they're suing me on has already been decided by an earlier court, against them... they're legally wrong here and they know it.

There are many other ways to challenge a lawsuit. The list is too long to go into here. But the important thing to do if faced with such a situation is to respond properly, with good guidance from an attorney if necessary. [ HERKESLE HER ŞEYİ KONUŞMAK - https://youtu.be/vI8nMX9nNLc?si=cq-GMAG5lF3s00i4 ]

As for "dertler," everyone has them! HERKESİN BİR DERDİ VAR... DERDİNİ SÖYLEMEYEN DERMAN BULAMAZ https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052500

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