Hergün 10 binlerce Türk bu platformada buluşuyor.Paylaşım yapmak, İlan yayınlamak, ve Etkinlik oluşturmak için hemen Sende hemen Hesap oluştur

2004 Honda cr-v


5.000 $

New Canaan, CT

4 New tires

Both front Suspensions has changed

Both front Wheel Crank has changed

Brakings front and back and Braking fluid parts of wheel has changed

Catalytic converter has changed

All stop lamps and lights has changed

All brand new

All Wheel’s alignment has done

3000k Oil has changed

Air Filters has changed

146476 miles

Honda CRV 2004

Clean with Sun Roof (working)

Bluetooth radio front panel is included

No accident no damage

Mürüvvet Eskioğlu


. Marketplace

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