Hergün 10 binlerce Türk bu platformada buluşuyor.Paylaşım yapmak, İlan yayınlamak, ve Etkinlik oluşturmak için hemen Sende hemen Hesap oluştur



Hi everyone, We are looking for a part-time server at our newly opened restaurant on California Avenue in Palo Alto, Anatolian Kitchen. This position can offer a full time role in the future as well.

We currently need Tuesday, Friday and Saturday evening shift filled by a qualified Turkish or any other native servers. The pay is competitive (family owned restaurant). Interested candidates should drop by our restaurant or email your resumes at <a href='mailto:[email protected].'>[email protected].</a> Please ask for Aytac or Dino.


Thank you very much!

Sali, Cuma ve Cumartesi aksamlari icin restorantimiz Anatolian Kitchen'da calisicak part time garson ariyoruz. Ilgilenenler lutfen ulassinlar.

Cok tesekkurler.

. Jobs

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