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23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Cocuk Bayramini Three Women Restaurantin lezzetleri esliginde hep birlikte kutlayalim.

ATA-HOUSTON CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL: Celebrating April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day at Sugarland Memorial Park

About this event

IMPORTANT: The admission tickets, food, and drink are only available for ONLINE purchase before the event. There will be NO FOOD -DRINK-TICKET SALE AT THE PARK DURING THE EVENT; only attendees who made orders before the event will be able to pick them up.

All attendees who have tickets pre-certify that they will comply with the event's safety policies and procedures. They have read and understood the below warning concerning the risks and choose to accept them to attend this event.

Attending this event may subject you to health issues including, but not limited to, COVID 19; please join the event at your own risk. ATA Houston is not liable for any injuries or illnesses that could occur at the event.

Children should never be left unsupervised at any time during the event. Stay no more than an arm's length away from your children.

Food will be provided by a third-party catering service (3Women Restaurant) for those who purchase their tickets in advance. Eat at your own risk, as ATA Houston is not responsible for any illnesses or adverse reactions.

There is no sale of food or drinks on site as per the park rules.

All attendees who have tickets pre-certify that they will comply with the event's safety policies and procedures. They have read and understood the above warning concerning the risks and choose to accept them to attend this event.

. Events

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