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Zülfü Livaneli to Perform ‘Rumi Suite and Livaneli Songs: Featuring Zülfü Livaneli’ at DROM in the East Village, NYC

NEW YORK— Serdar Ilhan Presents ‘Rumi Suite and Livaneli Songs: Featuring Zülfü Livaneli’ at DROM NYC, 85 Avenue A in the East Village, for three performances Friday, February 28th, Saturday, February 29th and Sunday, March 1st at 8pm each night.

Zülfü Livaneli is a world renowned author, poet, director and musician. He is best known in his native country of Turkey as one of the most famous singers and songwriters of the nation. His songs have been performed by many well-known names such as Joan Baez, Maria Farandouri, Mikis Theodorakis and Udo Lindenburg. In the realm of writing, his novel, Bliss, won the Barnes & Nobles Discovery of Great Writers award in 2006. In addition, many of his novels were translated into 37 different languages. Livaneli has collaborated with many artists, writers and intellectuals in the past, such as Arthur Miller, Elia Kazan, James Baldwin and Peter Ustinov. His works in cultural and political spaces created him the opportunity to become a Goodwill Ambassador to UNESCO in 1995, a position he still holds to this day. In the past he served a term within the Turkish Parliament, as well as within the council of Europe.

As a man of many talents and a person who understands what peace and prosperity means to a collective consciousness, his Rumi Suite is a bold work that delivers a message of peace through music. His body of work that encompasses many different issues that affect the current state of human rights has this more recent suite to accompany it, coming from an ancient older source. Rumi is one of the world’s most popular poets to this day, and he is often quoted and or referenced in many works that span creations of literature and film.

The suite is mostly jazz oriented; with flavors of the East and West that contains quotes from Rumi within their lyrics such as:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I will meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”

The concert’s leitmotif will be the message of world peace, and the importance of unity through music and poetry. Livaneli’s significance in Turkey, along with being the place where Rumi lived and died as a mystic, helps to fuel his motivation for the project. He is a man of his soil, and his people love as well as respect him for his contributions to the public along with the arts.

Zülfü Livaneli will be performing his new Rumi project in North America for the first time live at DROM. This project where Zülfü Livaneli combines conventional Turkish music with jazz tunes will be performed by Tara Nome Doyle, The New York Gypsy All Stars, Ara Dinkjian and Henning Schmiedt.

In the second set of concerts, Livaneli’s famous tunes will be performed along with the man himself. Demet Sagiroglu, Tamara Jocik, Ahu Gural and Arda Turegun will also join the stage.

This show will remind us of the beauty of living in a community made of different backgrounds, religions and languages. It will teach us once again to love, respect and celebrate each other...

Rumi Suite and Livaneli Songs: Featuring Zülfü Livaneli




Doors: 7 PM / Show: 8 PM

$60.00 - $100.00

Tickets available at www.dromnyc.com/calendar

For more information visit www.dromnyc.com.

For press ticket requests, contact <a href='mailto:[email protected].'>[email protected].</a>

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